Hey guys, This is my best video so far. Make sure to invest 7 minutes in yourself. It could change your day, week or if you are really committed your whole life! In the video I will teach you something that they don't teach you in business school. I will give you 3 ways to get guts and grit to succeed better with exactly what you want. GET TWO 100% FREE CHAPTERS OF THE GOAL BOOK BY TAPPING HERE.
"There is a big difference of losing temporarily and being a loser." Before we dive in to todays article I want to tell you that I don't believe that there are real losers out there, I only believe that there is a lot of people that consistently make the wrong choices and with a little bit of guidance they can actually turn their whole life around. By learning and applying knowledge in my own life I have managed to go from the losing to the winning column (in my mind I never felt like a loser and that was what kept me going as an athlete until I found the right recipe for winning)! Definition of a loser (according to Merriam-Webster): 1: a person or thing that loses especially consistently 2: a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint Almost always I write posts about what you should do but today I want to adress some of the traits that "losers" have on a consistent basis just to show you that these are just traits and not something permanent. No matter if you have them or not you can always change for the better and improve your life, happiness and success. Be honest to yourself (sometimes the truth hurts) and move forward to change the bad habits in your own life. I can't promise you that it will be easy, but I can promise you that it will be worth it! The 5 Habits of a Loser1. Listens to everyones advise The other day I had a lecture about goal settings. After the lecture one of the attendants came to me with a whole list of advise to improve my lecture. Instead of focusing on my message he had been focused on judging my performance during the whole lecture. After he had given me all his advise I asked him if he was a public speaker. The answer was no. So the question is, should I listen to him? Or should I listen to the speakers that are actually 5-10 years ahead of me in their career? Take advice and be humble but be careful to listen to everybody's advise. A lot of people will try to give you advice without even knowing anything about the specific area. The losers listens to everybody and the winners listens to the people that knows what they are talking about. 2. Chases to many things at one time "If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one." People that loses constantly almost always focus on to many things at one time. They do a lot of things halfway with poor results. The winners in life, do one thing a a time (off course there are exceptionally strong-minded people that can handle many things at one time, but they are rare). A winner knows that you don't have to do everything but you need to do one thing with 100% focus. 3. Changes direction to soon Do you change direction as soon as something go wrong? Many times in life the people that won't get the results they want change direction to soon and start questioning what they do way to early. It takes time to get results and you need to be patient and keep moving forward, doing the same thing over and over again before you will se the results showing up in your life. 4. Makes the same mistake over and over I meet a lot of people that complain over their lives while drinking the same beer, eating the same burger and thinking the same thoughts. They never learn from their mistakes and go forward. If we look at the winners, they make a mistake once or twice and learn and never do it again. Some exceptional winners even see others peoples mistakes and learn from them so that they don't even have to make them theirselves. 5. Has a negative inner voice Losing people almost always have a poor mental strength, Even if they are not bad at what they do, they tell themselves that they are. In contrary the winners in life have a positive inner dialogue with themselves. As the greatest boxer of all time Muhammad Ali said (may he rest in peace): "I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was." Now the question is? What is your next step? Don't just read this article and forget about it, write down three things you can do to improve your life (don't wait, do it now). If you want a little more help with your dreams, you should take my 100 % FREE 7-Day Goal Book Challenge. Check it out here “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” Most of us know the difference between eating healthy and eating unhealthy. We know that a salad would probably do us better than a hamburger. We know that drinking sodas are worse than water because they contain a lot of sugar. We know that fruits are better than candy. Even if we choose the unhealthy, we at least know that it is the wrong decision. When it comes to our brain and feeding it with the right knowledge and thoughts unfortunately I meet so many people that do it in the wrong way. Let me explain. All of us have an inner conversation with ourselves (if you go to Venice Beach you might even catch a fellow or two that actually have their inner conversation out loud). The inner conversation contains worries, tasks, secrets, dreams, problems, solutions etc. Research shows that 90-95 % of our thoughts and inner conversation are exactly the same as they were yesterday. So before we move any further answer this question: Are most of your thoughts positive or negative? If most of your thoughts are positive, great! Keep it up, you are probably a happy and fulfilled person that dare to go after what you want. If most of your thoughts are negative you are probably living a life that is thousands of miles from your full potential. Don't worry, you can change your thoughts and you can change your life. Let me give you a few tools that I have used in the past to evolve as an athlete (World Medalist), author and entrepreneur. ExerciseGet a pen and paper and do the following exercise. Do it now! Keep working on this for at least ten days. It will help you to achieve your goals in the future and create a healthier and more balanced life.
In this way, you slowly but surely change your negative thoughts into something good and positive that brings you ahead in life. Although it’s important to have patience. It won’t work immediately, but by doing your homework, you will eventually have trained your mind to think the thoughts that enhances your quality of life and brings you closer to your goals. Another exercise for you who ponders a lot is to once again get a pen and paper. Write down your thoughts, no matter how ugly and weird they are. Write down everything you think and feel for about 20 minutes. Both positive and negative. Don’t judge the thoughts, just write them down. When you're done, go through what you have written. The thoughts you don't like, you cross over. Before you finish this exercise, read the thoughts that are left (those that are not crossed out) three times. For those of you who are new to working with yourself these exercises may feel strange at first, but do them with an open mind and give it a real shot. You will see the benefit it has for your mind. If you want to learn more about this and make your own blueprint for a fulfilled and successful life closer to your dreams. Check out my life changing book: The Goal Book: How to Achieve Your Dreams and Create a Better Life.
You can even get two 100% free chapters here |
PETER JUMRUKOVSKI is an author, keynote speaker and World medalist who practice what he preach. He consider himself a citizen of the world and is currently residing in Marina Del Rey, CA.
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